I have been off from school since Tuesday at 2:40. It has been a much needed break and an enjoyable time away from work. Wednesday I slept in, ran on the treadmill, and then Billy and I went shopping for some Christmas gifts. Thursday we had dinner with his family at his aunt's house. Then we spent the night at his parent's because we were all headed to Virginia for Friday and Saturday.
The main goals of our mini-trip were to go to this big Book Fair where a warehouse is full of reduced-price books. We were also planning on driving down "Skyline Drive," a scenic overlook road in the Shenandoah National Park (in the Blue Ridge Mtns). We were also planning to visit the Luray Taverns, which were near both of these attractions.
Friday Billy and I left with his mom, dad, and brother and drove about 3.5 hours and stopped first at the book fair. It was pretty crowded, but we still managed to find quite a few books to bring home with us. It was interesting to me to see which titles had ended up at these liquidated prices, because there were quite few i'd never heard of mixed in with some classics. Then we went to two different Amish markets. We ate lunch and perused around the wares they were selling there. Then we went to the hotel and rested for a while before doing some shopping at the mall and getting dinner.
Today we got up and had breakfast before heading to Luray, VA. It is a rural town, and I'm not sure what its industry is, but I guess there must be jobs somewhere. Everyone in Billy's family had been to the caverns before, but not for some time. I can remember going to some caverns in southern california when i was younger, but these caverns were much larger. Most of the way there was quite a bit of room around us and quite a distance above us. The coolest part of the caverns was this pond that had formed at one point because it reflected the ceiling perfectly. When you took the first glance at it, you thought you were looking at stalagmites coming up from the ground, but then you realized the water was just reflecting the view of the stalactites coming down from above. Our tour guide was full of information, and she did a good job keeping my attention, but mostly because I was listening to which grammar mistake she was going to make next. She had some really good ones, including something similar to the title I've given this post. About halfway through the tour Billy's mom asked me "Which are you enjoying more, the caverns or the assault on the English language?" It seemed to me that young Rachel spends most of her time underground and has not made it out of Luray too many times.
After leaving the caverns, we drove along Skyline drive for about 30 miles. The forests in the Blue Ridge Mtns are all deciduous, so the trees were bare. It would have been cool to see the views of the valleys on both sides while the leaves were changing, but the bare trees also meant we could see through them and down below. It's still a little bit hard for me to adjust to what is considered a "mountain" on the east coast (i think the highest elevation was around 4000 feet), but they were certainly tall enough to see out quite a long distance. It was a nice clear day, so the views were beautiful.
We made it back home mid-afternoon today and Billy and I have been relaxing since we got back to the apartment. I am glad we took the trip out there because I got to see a bunch of things that I hadn't experienced before and had a lot of fun spending time with Billy's family. Plus, it was also nice to have the chance to get away from the norm for a little bit and not worry about any responsibilities. Tomorrow I have to go back to being Ms. Chambers because I don't have my lessons planned for Monday. That's not entirely true- I had them planned before Tuesday, when my county supervisor told me I had to cover a new poem with my juniors before the midterm and my department chair told me I am not allowed to use the poem I was planning to analyze with my sophomores on Monday. After that, though, I am pretty well planned through the midterm and up until Christmas break, so I will hopefully be able to enjoy the holiday season. I already have most of my Christmas shopping done, which is unlike me. I'm looking forward to getting the Christmas lights and decorations up tomorrow and mailing out the cards next week.
I hope Thanksgiving was a fun and restful time for all of you, as well.