Happy Birthday, Oscar!! Our little bud turns five today. To celebrate, he will get a blog post, a bath, and a green pepper. Why this dog loves green peppers, I have no idea, but if I begin slicing one, he cannot think about doing anything else except standing below me and hoping I drop a piece. This will probably turn into a week long celebration, because I can't give him the whole pepper at once.
To celebrate his five years, I give you a montage of my favorite photos of him through the years. Blogger makes it hard to put them in order, so they jump around chronologically. Enjoy!

When we brought him home at 6 weeks (which I now realize is too early), he only weighed 2.5 lbs!

He has since outgrown this crate. Hard to believe!

The whole first day we had him, he looked this sad, and we had to let him cry through the whole night. In the morning when we came out to the kitchen and he saw us, his little tail started wagging.
After his first trip to meet Billy's parent's dog, Casey, he passed out for hours.
He wore this coat my dad got him for Christmas exactly long enough to pose for the photo.

Besides peppers, his second favorite food is peanut butter. Who can blame him?
Here he is next to the pumpkin he tried to eat the entire time I was carving it.

When Chuck is around, Oscar knows where to go to get spoiled.
First Christmas in our new house!
Oscar loves Clarice and Rudolph. When they are out at Christmas time, he runs over and noses them almost every morning when he comes down the stairs.
He loves the snow so much he even tolerated wearing this jacket. It doesn't fit him anymore, but he would stay out in the snow for hours if we let him.
Graduating from obedience training! He had the second fastest time on the obedience course, but the winner had much longer legs.
For several months, his ears seemed disproportionately large.
Posing by the South River, where his parents got engaged... but before they got engaged.

Oscar lives strong like the rest of the family.
(When I Was Five is apparently about a boy who recalls his favorite things, all of which have changed, except his best friend. Seems appropriate for man's best friend!)
What an absolute cutie!
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