Last weekend, while Nate and Billy were at the Navy football game, I thought I would try to get some sleeping baby photos of Nora. After I coaxed her gently to sleep and rested her on her new Nora Jane blanket, she immediately woke up, put her fist in her mouth, and started kicking her legs out. I snapped a few not-so-sleepy-baby photos of her before she peed on the blanket and started crying in hunger. Then I wrapped her in a different blanket to feed her, thinking I might get a second try at the sleepy baby photos when she was finished nursing. But when she pooped all over the blanket-- and me-- while nursing, I admitted defeat and put her back in her clothes.
I think the not-so-sleepy-baby photos still turned out pretty cute, though, so here they are. : )
I like this last one especially. Since it shows that her hair is not as dark as it appears in most photos, and her eyes keep getting lighter, it makes it look like she might be her mama's daughter after all! : )
This is precious. Seriously.