It's a busy week here in Baby and Books Land; my students are reading Faulkner and have their first paper due Friday. This means responding to extra student emails, logging extra office hours, and trying to get extra far ahead in planning so I'll have time to grade next week. In the meantime, though, I thought I'd share a few recent pictures that show off Nora's new rolling prowess. She still doesn't like to be on her belly for too long, but since she can now hold her head all the way up, she seems to be learning to appreciate the new perspective.
She's also getting good at rolling from her belly onto her back, so sometimes when she's unhappy on her belly she's able to correct herself. Between these barrel rolls and her habit of pushing herself backwards with her feet while she's on her back, she is really starting to get around! Gone are the days of setting her down, going to switch the laundry, and finding her in the exact same spot when I return!
While she's working on keeping her head up, I am too, or else I'd be very discouraged with my students. Almost none of them had finished Cather's The Professor's House on time, which feels like a personal insult given my relationship with this text. Maybe when (if?) they pick up their copies of As I Lay Dying they'll understand why I told them that if they couldn't be bothered to read Cather, they shouldn't expect to earn a good grade for the course. American Literature only gets more confusing from here.
She's a beautiful pumpkin with a smile that brightens my day! Thanks for sharing Lizzy!