Saturday, October 20, 2012

Exam Visual #2

I have just over 5 weeks left to prepare for my exam. One minute I feel like I'm making good progress, and the next I feel completely panicked.

These are my book stacks and my notes. The books in the left two piles are yet to be consumed. The books in the right two stacks are in my brain already... somewhere. And every book or article I've read has been reduced to one of these notecards so I can review them in the week before the exam.

When you are in the thick of reminding yourself constantly to Just Keep Playing, it sure feels good to drop your aching brains and bones into bed at night.

1 comment:

  1. Liz,

    Totally whittling it down. Go go go!

    Also, I see some rather abstract reading in your "to go" list, but also some fabulous fiction and poetry that any geek would envy. Read on, lady!
