The department did decide to nominate me for a different type of award, which comes with a flat stipend. It does not include tuition remission, but if I were to win it, I would probably be able to carry a lighter teaching load for next year. So my plans for next year will depend on that, but since I am not likely to hear about that decision until May, I guess there's nothing to do but try to put it out of mind and keep my nose to the grindstone in the meantime.
So far, I am really enjoying my schedule for the semester. I teach Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon, which gives me uninterrupted time beforehand for my own work on Tuesdays and my work on the Porter project on Thursdays. It also allows me to work from home M/W/F, and I feel like I'm getting more done than I did last semester. I don't have to worry about the foreign language requirement anymore, so that is definitely nice. If fellowships are granted to students who work "vertically" rather than "horizontally," I may never be able to compete for one. I already finished the conference paper I'm presenting on Josephine Herbst during the first week of March, so right now I am working on all of the following:
-finishing preparations for the ingest of our KAP metadata into Fedora
-denormalizing the KAP metadata so it can be better used for different purposes
-planning and teaching lessons on 19th Century American women's literature
-researching the history of birth control politics in the U.S., which is relevant to all four of my dissertation chapters
-writing a conference paper on Mary Austin, which I'll present over Spring Break
-revising a paper I wrote four years ago for publications workshop
-reading and commenting on classmates' papers for publications workshop
So, you know, Liz marches on. In lieu of having better professional news to share, I'll post a few recent pictures of what's been going on in my life outside of academia, where taking a more "horizontal" approach pays more recognizable dividends.
Nora and her (second) cousin and partner-in-crime, Lily
SNOW! I am so over it. Nora loves it.
"Baby Julian" turned ONE! We were excited to celebrate a year of successful parenting with our friends Anne-Marie and Jon and to see Julian host all his little friends. After waiting three days to don her "pretty pretty dress," Nora inquired "Is Julian gon like my dress?" before declaring "I'm adorable!" She's not wrong.
Pretty pretty dress + cupcakes = Nora's happy place.
Our little Valentine
Delta Rae at the 9:30 Club with AM & Vickie
I feel it all around: I'm surrounded.
Liz, I'm sorry the fellowship business didn't turn out as you'd hoped. That's a bummer. But, on the upside, I know next year's UMD students will benefit from having you as an instructor.