Monday, March 26, 2012

Screech Owl

Nora has discovered she can make a new noise.  When I first heard her doing it, I was alarmed.  She is so clearly pleased with herself, though, that now I just hope she stops doing it before she gets hoarse or I my abs get sore from laughing at her.

You might also notice that she's on her belly in this video.  She's been opposed to tummy time since about four weeks old, and though she sometimes tolerates it these days, we think it explains why she has been hesitant to continue rolling over.  Yesterday Billy propped her up on the Boppy and let her watch TV on her belly and she was quite thrilled.  Tonight, for the first time in weeks, she rolled over on her play mat several times without being provoked, and she didn't immediately start crying for someone to turn her back over.  I guess that, like most things, screen time is good when used in moderation.


  1. Haha!! Owen does the same thing, he's even added a goofy grin with it now as he knows it is silly. We can hear him doing it in bed when he wakes up happy. Silly kiddos, discovering their voice. :)

  2. I'm at work, so I watched this "on silent." But I just delight in her face.
