Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Update about Dad!

Just wanted to let everyone know that my dad got great news from his oncologist today. After two months without chemotherapy treatments, his diagnostic scans show that none of the tumors in his liver are continuing to grow, and some of them have continued to shrink. What is left are evidently "residual" cancer cells, which are no longer actively reproducing. His oncologist considers him to have entered "clinical remission." He will go back in 60 days for a full body PET scan to make sure the cancer cells haven't popped up elsewhere, and will continue to get diagnostic tests regularly, but at this time, it appears that no further treatment is necessary!

Thanks, as always, to all those of you who have continued to keep Dad and the rest of our family in your thoughts. He feels great and is excited to report that everyone can stop worrying about him and focus on other things!

The type of treatment that has been successful for my dad this time has only become available in recent years. Advancements in the battle against cancer are continually being made by the tireless efforts of scientists and doctors who are committed to finding innovative ways to save lives. I am hopeful that generous donations so many of you made to the LAF in support of my half marathon will help to encourage those struggling with cancer and to discover new ways to cure this disease.

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