Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We knew Nora would arrive before Halloween, but she was going to be so tiny that I didn't think putting her in a Halloween costume would be a great idea.  I did find her a Halloween outfit, though, so she spent most of the day in this festive ensemble:

Since we started swaddling her to sleep, though, we can't help but notice that she looks like a little Glo Worm when we're putting her to bed.  So even though we didn't plan to put her in costume, she still celebrated the holiday. : )  Evidently she was so excited to be dressed up that she even opened her eyes for the photo!

Halloween is one of my favorite days to have a facebook account because I love checking to see what costumes my friends have thought up for their little ones.  I've been anxiously waiting to see what my favorite pairs of sisters would be wearing for Halloween, and I had to suppress the urge to ask their moms about the costumes beforehand so I could be surprised by the pictures.  So through the magic of facebook photo stealing, I am happy to share:

Ms. Clara and Ms. Evie as chickens:

And Ms. Eleanor and Ms. Josephine as Abe Lincoln and George Washington:

So now the countdown is on, and I only have one year to prepare an adorable little one-year-old costume for Nora! : )


  1. Yes! How exciting to see my girls here. They will be honored (I am). Also, in your picture of Nora, she's doing my very favorite baby move, the sleepy-super-stretch-of-triumphant-baby-excellence. She's a wonderful glowworm, too--uncanny.
