Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nora Rolls Over!

... as promised, here is the footage of Nora rolling over!  I could tell she was going to do it today, so I set up my flipcam and tried to coax her into rolling over without touching her.  She wasn't having it, but when I got up to make a sandwich, she rolled over on her own as I watched from the kitchen!  Throughout the course of the day she did it about 6 or 7 more times before tiring herself out.  She doesn't do it very quickly, but it's fun to watch her slow attempts to balance her body in different ways to complete the motion.  She's shown so much progress in the past week or two that I'm sure it will turn into a completely automatic motion in no time!  Without further ado--

Patti gave us the "Baby's First Year" calendar she used to keep track of Billy's milestones, so it is fun to be able to compare his progress to Nora's.  He was placed on his belly to sleep, so he rolled the other direction first.  He rolled from his tummy to his back at almost 4 months old, but didn't roll from his back onto his tummy until almost 6 months old.  It also says he "found his feet" at almost 5 months old, so Nora was several weeks ahead of him on that one!

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