Sunday, June 30, 2013

Body Parts

I was doing really well with documenting Nora's development on video until a little after one year.  Then it became difficult, both because she had so many new skills each month and because she was much more aware of being recorded.  Now she is so used to talking to her West Coast family on video chat that she gets angry when I try to record and there is no one on the screen to talk to her.  But this morning she finally let me get a video of her pointing to all the body parts on her baby.  This was definitely one of her earliest skills, and at this point, her most reliable.  She can also say the correct names of all the body parts if you point them out to her.

The other identification skill she does well with at this point is naming animals and making their noises. She can count to ten on her own, though she usually stops at three or six.  She also sang through all the ABCs in order once recently, but she usually just sings them in random chunks.  Her colors are coming along more slowly.  Right now, the answer to "What color is this?" is always the same: "Red."  I guess that makes it her favorite color?

1 comment:

  1. I love when she pokes herself in the tummy! I just giggled out loud. The bean is currently obsessed with belly tutors which means lifting our shirts in public. I keep trying to tell her that nobody wants to see that, but she doesn't get it yet.
