Sunday, July 15, 2012

On Cloud 9

Nora is 9 months old!  And she's getting less cooperative with these monthday photo shoots because she has no interest in relaxing in her reclining seat.  These days she is always on the go!

Our pediatrician doesn't give any immunizations at 9 months, but he had us bring her in for a check-up. We keep checking off more and more boxes on the developmental rubric and she keeps growing well!  She weighed in at 17 lbs 8 oz and measured 26.5 inches long, so she continues to chart in the low range for length and the mid range for weight.  Her head circumference was 18 inches, which puts her somewhere around the 85th percentile.  We're hoping there's a big brain in there!  : )

This week she finally stopped relying solely on the barrel roll mobility method and started scooting around on her belly, so we think she will end up crawling before she walks after all.  Since last month she cut teeth numbers 3 and 4 and is right on the verge of cutting numbers 5 and 6, which seem to be bothering her more recently.  She is getting more vocal all the time and enjoys babbling away, especially when she is by herself in her room, in her carseat, or if she thinks she is alone while playing on the floor.  Her hand control, which has always seemed advanced, is getting even better.  She even started clapping recently!  By far the biggest development, though, is that she's now able to pull herself to standing-- very quickly!  The crib rail is the easiest thing for her to pull up on, but there are quite a few pieces of equipment at Gymboree that also fit the bill.  She continues to nap and sleep well, but she has been waking up earlier than usual for the past week or so.  I'm hoping this is teething-related, but we'll see.

Just like I did at 3 months and 6 months, I compiled a video that captures her abilities at this stage.

We love getting to know her personality better with each week.  Just don't tell us she's "almost a year old"; we're not ready for her to turn one!

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