Monday, July 16, 2012

Professional Photos: Family Candid

Earlier this month, we had April Cain take professional photos of our little family at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis.  Most of my friends with little ones have had at least one set of professional photos taken, and I always love how they turn out, so I knew I wanted to get ours done at some point.  I decided to wait until Nora could sit and stand, and I'm really happy with the way the timing worked out.  I'm glad to have professional images of her in this stage because while she still looks like a baby, we were able to get her to smile for a lot of the pictures and she has enough body control that she doesn't look goofy or awkward.

We ended up purchasing five of the images of our session as digital files, but rather than posting them all at once and spoiling the fun, I thought I'd post one per day for the rest of this week.  I'll kick it off today with my favorite picture from the session.

One of the main reasons I wanted to have our photos taken was to capture how much Billy and I love and delight in our little girl.  I think this picture captures our family of three perfectly, so that's why it's my favorite.

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