Sunday, November 11, 2012

Relaxing? Weekend

We didn't have any plans for this weekend, so Billy and I were looking forward to spending two days home with Nora, relaxing.  Now that the weekend is behind us, I can definitely say that we enjoyed spending it at home, but I don't think anyone relaxed.  Goodness gracious, Nora is a handful these days!  She runs, she babbles, she gets into everything, she rushes over to whatever you set down thirty seconds ago when she notices it's out of place.  She chases Oscar, she tries to pet him while he's eating, she takes bones out of his mouth, she pulls his tail, she smashes her face into the sliding glass door while waiting for him to come in from outside, she laughs when he barks.  I tried to take a picture of her wearing the hat Ashley crocheted her, and this was the best I could do:

We can't help laughing at her every other minute.  Her little personality is such a trip!  She gets quite a kick out of herself, as well.  Two things she did this weekend really stood out to us, though.  First, she has started clapping when you unbuckle her from her carseat, like she is applauding you for setting her free.  She did it every. single. time.  And second, we confirmed that she is intentionally feeding Oscar when... well, when she put Cheerios straight in his mouth.  Previously, we suspected they were in cahoots because she would drop food down to him during meals.  But yesterday, when we let her snack on cheerios while she was sitting in her exersaucer, we caught her reaching around her toys to hand feed him.  

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